Recognition received along the way that makes me feel grateful for the opportunities I have had to make a difference to the communities served
Awarded Ph.D. in organizational communications from Alliance University. My thesis focused on the relationships between communication satisfaction with knowledge workers' identification and their citizenship behaviors.
Awarded Ph.D. in Organizational Communications (HR&OB) - Alliance University, India
Co-authored paper ranks at 2020 International Public Relations Research Conference
Humbled to have co-authored a paper that won an award at the International Public Relations Research Conference (March 5-7, 2020) at Orlando, Florida. Thought I’ll share this news with you.
Below are the details and the link.
Paper: Enhancing Employee Commitment to Change through Uncertainty Reduction: The Role of Channel Selection and Communication Transparency
- Linjuan Rita Men, University of Florida, Marlene Neill, Baylor University, Cen April Yuen, University of Florida, and Aniisu K. Verghese, Sabre Corporation, India
***Institute for Public Relations W. Ward White Award for Top Three Papers of Professional Significance***
Public Relations Council of India’s 2015 Hall of Fame
Bronze at the 14th Godfrey Philips Bravery Awards 2006 – Acts of Social Courage for work on Road Safety
Accenture ‘Dream Team’ Award for leading key initiatives
‘Trail Blazer’ Award for leading key initiatives
Silver and Honor at 2002 and 2003 Vision Awards
– League of American Communication Professionals (LACP). Softrek,
i-flex’s employee newsletter ranked among top 50 employee publications